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9 Best Inner Chest Exercises

inner chest exercises

Working for those cavernous pecs is a must for everyone who wants inner chest definition. Indeed, there aren’t any moves specifically designed to isolate the inner pecs. However, some chest workouts may help you get closer to your goal. Here is our list of win-win inner chest exercises: 

  • Close Grip Pushup
  • Diamond Pushup
  • Svend Press
  • Dumbbell Fly
  • Cable Chest Fly
  • Cable Crossover
  • Hex Press
  • Resistance Band Chest Fly
  • Close Grip Bench Press

1. Close Grip Pushup 

The chest, abdominal and low back muscles are all strengthened while doing close-grip pushups. Close-grip pushups are also great for your posture since they use stabilizing muscles.


Close grip pushup is a compound exercise. It means the movement targets different muscular groups: anterior deltoids in the shoulders, the pectoralis major, and the triceps brachii.

Pushups with a close grip may be modified to make it easier or harder, and you don’t need any special equipment to practice.

How to do a close grip pushup:

  • Get on all fours with flexed knees and toes. Hips over knees. A few inches should separate your hands.
  • Grip the ground and swivel your shoulders to activate your lats. Straighten your legs to bring your knees off the ground for a high plank. Throughout the exercise, keep your chin tucked.
  • Bend elbows to lower chest toward the floor. When lowering, withdraw your shoulder blades. At the bottom, pause.
  • Squeeze your chest and straighten your elbows to start the upward movement. As you press, your shoulder blades should protract.

2. Diamond Pushup 

Diamond pushups are a fantastic choice if you want to strengthen your inner chest with calisthenics. It is an efficient use of your time and energy since it is a compound workout that targets many muscles simultaneously. If you do them properly, diamond pushups are a great way to strengthen your pec major, anterior deltoids, and quads.


This alternative to the standard pushup places more emphasis on the triceps brachii. This is a good way to start if you want stronger arms and to be ready for more advanced triceps exercises.

Diamond pushups strengthen your core stabilizer muscles, especially the transverse abdominis. You may develop your core and your ability to maintain your balance by regularly doing diamond pushups.

How to do a diamond pushup:

  • Prepare to execute a diamond pushup by getting down on your hands and knees.
  • Make a diamond shape using your hands. When you let go, your hands should fall to the center of your chest.
  • Don’t slouch; maintain a plank position.
  • Come while maintaining a tucked-in elbow position.
  • Exhale completely as you raise yourself up.

3. Svend Press

The Svend press is a great way to focus on building chest muscle and adding volume to your workouts. If traditional chest presses cause you shoulder discomfort, try the Svend press instead to build muscle in your chest without putting much strain on your shoulders.


The Svend press is a great way to get the pecs ready for a heavier lift, like the bench press, by increasing muscular activation.

The Svend press effectively strengthens the chest without putting undue stress on the shoulders or rotator cuff.

How to do a Svend press:

  • Grab two plates, one on each side, and press them together with your hands.
  • Standing tall with your shoulders back and your feet hip-width apart is the beginning position.
  • Use a grip where your palms face each other, and your fingers protrude.
  • Keep the plates in front of your chest as you gently stretch your arms out.
  • Put the weights back up to your chest and lower them again.
  • Always maintain a 90-degree bend in your elbows to avoid straining your muscles. The tension will spread throughout your upper body, but you’ll notice it most in your inner chest area.

4. Dumbbell Fly 

Shoulders, chest, and triceps all get a fantastic workout while doing dumbbell flyes. Many exercises focus on strengthening the shoulder and pectoral muscles, but flyes offer the added benefits of the maximum range of motion and of working the inner muscles of the chest.


Suppose you’re doing a chest day split. In that case, dumbbell flys are a terrific complementary exercise to add in. Using dumbbells may help you strengthen your balance, posture, and core, all of which contribute to overall performance.

The dumbbell chest fly may also help you bulk up and build your strength.

How to do a dumbbell fly

  • Grab the dumbbells and sit on the bench, keeping your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Kick the dumbbells up and lie your back on the bench. 
  • Open your arms up. Maintain about a 10-degree bend in your elbows while you extend the arms. Keep your elbows in a fixed position.
  • When you reach the full stretch in the targeted muscles, go back to the starting position.

5. Cable Chest Fly 

The cable fly is among the top exercises for developing a strong pectoral muscle. Depending on the direction of motion, you may work out either the upper or lower sternal heads of the pectoralis major. That’s why there are high, medium, and low cable chest flies to choose from.


The cable fly is a great alternative if you have stiffness in your joints during other types of chest workouts. The cable chest fly effectively changes the angle of movement and relieves joint tension.

The cable chest fly distributes the weight more uniformly and consistently throughout the action, which keeps the strain on your pecs more steady.

How to do a cable chest fly:

  • Bring the cable to around hip height. 
  • Grab the handles with both hands. But don’t do that too firmly, as this can overwork the forearms and biceps and reduce pec activation.
  • While maintaining your rear leg straight, squat a little. Proceed on tiptoe in the rear. Maintain a neutral spine and a small bend in the elbows. Extend your chest and arch your back slightly.
  • Exhale and press your hands together. Bring your hands together under your chest. 
  • Take a deep breath. Return to the starting position.

6. Cable Crossover 

The cable crossover is the most effective chest workout for building strength and bulk. The cable crossover targets both the chest’s inner and outer pectoral rims.


Due to the continual strain and resistance, the chest stabilizing muscles are recruited and engaged. This is wonderful news for increasing the inner chest muscles’ definition, strength, and power.

The resistance of a cable crossover is also continuous and smooth. This indicates that you are pumping specific muscles to their utmost capacity. No one can accomplish the same result with dumbbells.

How to do a cable crossover:

  • With a cable in each hand, you must stand squarely in the center of a cable machine.
  • Put one foot in front and one in back. Make one step forward for better stretch and balance.
  • Squeeze your chest and bring the hands straight around to the middle of your chest.
  • Move your hands backwards in a “fly” motion.

7. Hex Press 

The hex press is a terrific exercise to include in your chest routine since it helps you develop a defined and symmetrical pec muscle set. A pair of dumbbells and a flat bench are required for this routine. To ease into the motion, begin by working with a manageable weight.


The exercise strengthens the inner chest. A few workouts focus specifically on this area, so it’s one of the main benefits.

The movement’s technique is pretty simple and available for all fitness levels. Also, you can reach your workout goals with minimum weight.

How to do a hex press:

  • Use a neutral grip to pick up the dumbbells (palms facing in)
  • In this exercise, you will be lying on a bench while pressing dumbbells up to arm’s length.
  • Put the weight plates of the dumbbells together, so their rounded surfaces are touching.
  • When doing a bench press, be sure the dumbbells meet.
  • Carefully lower the dumbbells after the recommended number of repetitions.

8. Resistance Band Chest Fly 

A resistance band chest fly is a single-joint exercise that specifically targets the pectoralis major muscle (the huge, fan-shaped muscle in the chest). Since this motion moves the shoulder toward the body’s midline, we classify it as an adduction exercise.


The exercise has the power to add a more chiseled definition between your pecs. Also, the movement maximizes hypertrophy and muscle thickness. That’s why it is often used as a finisher.

In contrast to the bench press, the fly exercise involves more of an arc pattern and calls for somewhat tight elbows. This results in a better stretch being generated in the pecs and delts.

How to do a resistance band chest fly:

  • Attach the middle of the resistance band to the door anchor, which should be jammed at around chest height.
  • Establish your beginning foundation posture with one knee bent in front of you.
  • Grab the handles with both hands while keeping your palms facing front.
  • Hold your arms close to perpendicular to your sides.
  • Slowly pull your hands toward your front until they touch in front of your body.
  • After pausing for a moment, return to the start.

9. Close Grip Bench Press 

In contrast to the standard bench press, this variation requires a much tighter grip. When performed correctly, the close grip bench press reduces stress on the shoulder joints and promotes hypertrophy of the arm and chest muscles.


A close grip helps to focus on the pecs muscles and load them to the maximum. Also, this exercise can be a stepping stone to more challenging strength workouts.

There are many variations for those who want to try something new. For example, include the reverse grip bench press, an incline bench press, the close grip dumbbell press, the close grip floor press, and the close grip pushup.

How to do a close grip bench press:

  • Face-up on a bench with feet on the floor and upper back on the bench. Look beneath the barbell. Head and neck neutral. Throughout the exercise, keep your chin tucked. Maintain a neutral spine and tight glutes. Shoulder blades should be retracted. 
  • With a shoulder-width hold, twist your shoulders outward to work your lats.
  • Lift the barbell without losing alignment. Neutral wrists aligned with shoulders. Start all repetitions here.
  • Lower the barbell by bending your elbows to your chest at a 30-degree elbow angle.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom.
  • Squeeze chest muscles and straighten elbows.


The inner chest is one of the trickiest areas to pump. Some trainers even think that the looks and strength of inner chest muscles depend on genetics. But the truth is anyone can build a deeper inner-pec grove with consistent work. Mastering inner pec-focused moves and adding one chest workout per week are the keys to your success.