When doing the squat, heavier weights increase the potential for damage or harm. That’s why having spotters that back you up throughout the execution is crucial. A further benefit of having a spotter is the psychological comfort it gives an athlete.
How to Spot the Squat: Step By Step Guide
Before starting the exercise, you need to talk to a partner. Sometimes by the same concept, people can understand different things. That’s why it’s so important to understand an athlete’s expectations.
Step 1. Choose distance correctly
Don’t hang back 3 feet or whatever distance you deem suitable from them. Instead, stick straight behind. If you need to help someone up, it will be easier on your back if you aren’t too far. So it’s in your best interests to be close. 1-2 feet distance is optimal.
Step 2. Become one unit if needed
Maintain a firm footing by keeping your arms tucked under the other person’s armpits and your hands on their ribs. Remember that the more apart you are, the more difficult it is to help. If needed, push up into their ribs to become one unit. On the other hand, if the sportsman ends up squatting quickly, you don’t want to accidentally squatter into your arms. So find the golden middle and give them some space.
Step 3. Stay tight
When the athlete moves down, you go down too. Two more individuals may spot from each side of the barbell if necessary. Keep your breath steady and your grip firm while they’re near the bottom in case you have to raise them swiftly. Hold the posture of your arms while you squat; don’t allow them to go forward, back, or out to the sides. Spotting someone is no different from lifting your weight. So keep your core engaged and your body in a rigid, tight position.
Step 4. Stand up with the squatter
At some point after reaching depth, the squatter will make a try at ascending. If they fail, you must be on the lookout and bring them in. Remember that they, too, might succumb to fatigue and fall. Make certain that your arms either climb steadily behind the lifter the whole time or are completely still if the lifter stops.
Step 5. Catch the squatter as needed
If the lifter fails and you hear signals for assistance, quickly help by gripping the athlete’s lats or pushing a sportsman from the armpits. Stay there until they can completely stand up with their legs straight.
Step 6. Help the athlete put the barbell in place
Make sure the athlete fixes the bar in the correct position. It’s best to keep your hands close in case they miss both J-hooks.
Spotting the squat is crucial for athletes’ safety. But to achieve the intended target, you should know the technique properly. We hope that our post helps you in that regard. Squatting at a commercial gym, using metal plates, or doing the exercise in a rack requires two spotters, one on each side of the barbell. It works best to ensure the lifter’s security.